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It's Alive, It's Alive...

celebraring launch of the DEW Centre blog

Hello People of DEW!

Internally we've been working on this for a while. Our very own Blog. It may seem like a simple thing but we do try to be thoughtful and deliberate about what we put into the universe. For a while the founder tasked us with finding out ways to engage more with the DEW members, and more importantly with folks who were not yet part of the crew, in a way that was not pushy. Not everyone likes social media, we know what a rabbit hole that can be, and not everything can be communicated in a small number of characters. The 'here now and gone tomorrow with no easy way of searching' that is social media can make it a little tedious to keep up, so, a decent solution turned out to be the versatile blog. There whenever you want it, easy to find to learn what is going on at The DEW Centre and even give your feedback but IN YOUR OWN TIME.

So our first post is just to let you know we are here and very excited at what will be coming in the next few weeks and the new year. What the blog will be is useful, informative, thought provoking and sensible. What it won't be is just another rehash of the newsletter or stuff you see on the social media channels. We want you to interact and give us feedback and let us know what you wold like to see. In your own time and at your own pace.

Here's to an enjoyable ride and another great way for you to experience life at The DEW Centre

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